Virtual Afro Woman is a platform dedicated to Black and Brown women of the African Diaspora. This space will allow you to read stories you can relate to, learn new information you were unaware of, and to be a part of a family you didn’t know you needed. Yes, there are other websites/blogs of similar nature that I too myself enjoy, but this blog will create a community for each of us to participate in many activities together and get to know one another. You will read stories that you all can relate to as we navigate this World. So again, hello, and I look forward to you being a part of this community of Virtual Afro Women.
About Me
Hello, my name is Tara and I am the creator of this blog. By trade I am an Occupational Therapist who works with children with disabilities as well as adults dealing with various medical conditions. I’m not shy but I’m not an extreme social butterfly who confidently navigates the social media world amongst those I know; but I love to talk and discuss different life events as a way to give my opinion and to learn new information from others. I’m creating this blog to share some things I love to talk about in my day to day life and to lend a voice to others like myself who have a lot to say but don’t often share the information. So, we are one and we are now a family discussing all of these things together in this blog.